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Rencontre avec Durba Ghosh : “Monuments to Empire from Waterloo Place to Trafalgar Square”

Publié le 23 mars 2022 Mis à jour le 23 mars 2022
Portrait: Durba Ghosh
Portrait: Durba Ghosh

Conférence de Professor Durba Ghosh de Cornell University suivie d’une discussion avec Charlotte Gould


le 1 avril 2022

de midi à 14h
Se connecter sur https://midib.hypotheses.org/

Dr. Durba Ghosh is a professor at the Department of History at Cornell University. Her teaching and research focus on the history of British colonialism in the Indian subcontinent. She is the author of Sex and the Family in Colonial India, and Gentlemanly Terrorists (both Cambridge University Press). She has written two essays on the removal of statues in the last year: one in collaboration with Kelly King-O'Brien on the relationship between colonial and confederate statues, and a more recent essay on the statues of Cecil Rhodes that were not installed: https://blog.royalhistsoc.org/2021/06/13/when-rhodes-was-not-built/
Partenaires :
MIDIB, Migration and Diversity in the British and Irish Isles en association avec l’OAB, Observatoire de l’aire britannique (CREA)

Mis à jour le 23 mars 2022