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PAC 2023 - Spoken English varieties: interfaces and multidimensional approaches

Publié le 7 février 2023 Mis à jour le 5 septembre 2023

The 16th international PAC conference ("Spoken English varieties: interfaces and multidimensional approaches") will focus on interfaces between phonology and phonetics as well as other levels of linguistic structure in contemporary spoken English varieties on the basis of corpus data


du 12 avril 2023 au 14 avril 2023


Bâtiment Ida Maier (V), Bâtiment Formation continue (FC)

The PAC programme (Phonologie de l’Anglais Contemporain: usages, variétés et structure - The Phonology of Contemporary English: usage, varieties and structure) is coordinated by Anne Przewozny-Desriaux (Toulouse Jean Jaurès University), Sophie Herment (University of Aix-Marseille), Sylvain Navarro (Paris Cité University) and Cécile Viollain (Paris Nanterre University). The main aims of the programme can be summarized as follows: to give a better picture of spoken English in its unity and diversity (geographical, social and stylistic); to test existing theoretical models in phonology, phonetics and sociolinguistics from a synchronic and diachronic point of view, making room for the systematic study of variation; to favour communication between specialists in speech and in phonological theory; and to provide corpus-based data and analyses which will help improve the teaching of English as a foreign language. To learn more about us, you can visit the programme’s website.

The 16th edition of the PAC international conference in 2023 (Paris Nanterre University, April 12-14, 2023) will focus on interfaces between phonology and phonetics as well as other levels of linguistic structure in contemporary spoken English varieties on the basis of corpus data. Multidimensional approaches to oral corpora are understood as approaches combining different levels of linguistic analysis and/or tools and methods borrowed from other disciplines (such as sociology, geography, anthropology, computer science, stylistics, psychology, neuro and cognitive sciences, media studies, cultural studies).

Wednesday 12 April 2023
Room R13 (ground floor), Ida Maier building (V)

13.00-13.30: registration
Session 1: Oral syntax & suprasegmentals
13.30-14.30: Plenary session
The dualistic nature of language cognition and how it surfaces in spoken syntax
Alexander Haselow, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany
14.30-15.15: Theoretical and methodological issues in the description of spoken English syntax: Perspectives from the PAC New Zealand syntactic annotation project
Sophie Raineri, Romain Delhem, Cécile Viollain & Hugo Chatellier, Université Paris Nanterre (CREA) & Université Clermont Auvergne (LRL), France
15.15-16.00: Phonetic variation and acoustic reduction in American English: a case-study on BE going to/gonna
Leela Azorin, Aix Marseille Université (LPL), France
16.00-16.15: Coffee
16.15-17.00: Corpora of automatic speech recognition transcripts for the study of variation in English: syntactic and phonological perspectives
Steven Coats, University of Oulu, Finland
17.00-17.45: A study of the links between discourse markers and High Rising Terminals in Dublin English
Florine Berthe & Julia Bongiorno, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (ALTER) & Aix Marseille Université (LPL), France
17.45-18.30: Intonation patterns in County Galway English: focus on three types of sentences
Airelle Théveniaut, Aix Marseille Université (LPL), France
Thursday 13 April 2023
Main lecture hall ("amphithéâtre", ground floor), Formation Continue building 

9.00-9.15: Coffee
Session 2: Standard, variation & change
9.15-10.15: Plenary session
100 years of Falkland Island English: settler roots, koine formation and contemporary change
David Britain, University of Bern, Switzerland
10.15-11.00: Founders or numbers as factors in new-dialect formation: The case of Namibian English
Gerald Stell, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
11.00-11.15: Coffee
11.15-12.00: Investigating Irish influence on the PEN-PIN merger
Kate Tallon, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
12.00-12.45: Prevoicing in English stops: Variation within and across dialects
Jessamyn Schertz, University of Toronto, Canada
12.45-14.00: Lunch
14.00-14.45: Patterns of /r/ gemination in British and American English: A comparative study
Quentin Dabouis, Olivier Glain & Sylvain Navarro, Université Clermont Auvergne (LRL), Université Jean Monnet – Saint-Étienne (ECLLA) & Université Paris Cité (CLILLAC-ARP, F-75013 Paris), France
14.45-15.30: A computational interface for potential multidimensional analysis of Spoken English
Adrien Méli & Nicolas Ballier, Université Paris Cité (CLILLAC-ARP, F-75013 Paris), France
15.30-15.45: Coffee
Session 3: Identities, attitudes & representations
15.45-16.30: Describing English in the West of Scotland through Denzil Meyrick's D.C.I Daley thriller series
Jacques Durand, Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès (CLLE), France
16.30-17.15: Challenging the Dublin English north/south split: towards new identities?
Christophe Coupé, Université Jean Moulin – Lyon 3 (CEL), France
17.15-17.30: Coffee
17.30-18.15: “Oot and aboot in Canadian Hockey English”: a multidimensional approach
Julie Dallinges, Aix-Marseille Université (LPL), France
18.15-19.00: Tark, shperlack, burfip, and other alien bad words: exploring a sound-meaning association in swear words of English (and French)
Robin Vallery, Université de Lille (STL), France
19.15: Collective departure to conference dinner
20.00: Conference dinner
Friday 14 April 2023
Main lecture hall ("amphithéâtre", ground floor), Formation Continue building 

9.00-9.15: Coffee
Session 4: Interphonology & learner corpora session
9.15-10.15: Plenary session
Foreign language acquisition of speech from a multidimensional perspective; the case of L2/L3/Ln English
Magdalena Wrembel, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland
10.15-11.00: Are French learners' /r/s in good shape? An ultrasound tongue imaging study of English /r/
Alice Léger, Hannah King & Emmanuel Ferragne, Université Paris Cité (CLILLAC-ARP, F-75013 Paris), France
11.00-11.15: Coffee
11.15-12.00: Exploring the effects of orthography on L2 learners' mental lexicon: production and perception of silent letters by L1 French learners of L2 English
Marine Mouquet & Paolo Mairano, Aix Marseille Université (LPL) & Université de Lille (STL), France
12.00-12.45: When (and how) pronunciation gets in the way of native / non-native communication in English: pronunciation-induced miscommunication in French/English tandem interactions
Céline Horgues & Sylwia Scheuer, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle (PRISMES), France
12.45-14.00: Lunch
14.00-14.45: Revisiting ‘stress-deafness' amongst upper intermediate learners of English in words containing stress-imposing endings
Takeki Kamiyama, Maelle Amand, Université Paris 8 (TransCrit) & Université de Limoges (CRS), France 
14.45-15.30: Investigating the link between prosodic sensitivity and listening comprehension for French learners of English
Marie-Pierre Jouannaud, Université Paris 8 (TransCrit), France
15.30-15.45: Coffee
15.45-16.30: RP or GA? French students' accents are drifting in the Atlantic
Emmanuel Ferragne, Anne Guyot-Talbot, Hannah King, Sylvain Navarro & Nada Azizi, Université Paris Cité (CLILLAC-ARP, F-75013 Paris), France
16.30-17.15: The value of embodied methods in Teaching/Learning spoken English: assessment of phonetic performance and motivation in a longitudinal study among French learners
Anne Przewozny, Victoria O'Callaghan, Julie Rouaud*, Nathalie Huet, Marie-Hélèna Hana Younan, Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès (CLLE) & *Université Sorbonne Nouvelle (PRISMES), France
17.15-17.30: Closing

Mis à jour le 05 septembre 2023