• Libellé inconnu,

COVID-19 and the Plague Year

études réunies et présentées par Yan Brailowsky et Camille Noûs

Publié le 24 février 2022 Mis à jour le 24 février 2022

Angles: New Perspectives on the Anglophone World, n°12

Couverture Angles 12
Couverture Angles 12 - Couverture Angles 12 National Archives at College Park, MD; Anonymous.
Numéro ouvert disponible ici : https://journals.openedition.org/angles/3356

Sarah Hatchuel
Co-vidding Shakespeare: Creating Collective Videos from Shakespeare’s Plays during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Sandy Feinstein and Bryan Wang
She Says, He Says: “What Do You Mean?”

Amine Barbuda
Diamond Princess II: A Graphic Tale

Eric Daffron
Handle with Care: The Biopolitics of Coronavirus-Prevention Guidelines

Christopher Griffin
The American Government and “Total War” on COVID-19

Nicholas Sowels
Operation Warp Speed as a “Moonshot”: Some Public Policy Lessons

V Shri Vaishali and S. Rukmini
Hashtags in Linguistic Anthropology: A COVID-19 Case Study

Munir Ahmed Al-Aghberi
Pandemic Apocalypse In Between Dystopias: Observations from Post-Apocalyptic Novels

Claire Tardieu
An A or Your Life! Some assessment issues on a tobacco-free, but gun-friendly, campus in the United States

Mis à jour le 24 février 2022