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Language Commonality and Literary Communities in Early Modern England: Translation, Transmission, Transfer

Laetitia Sansonetti et Rémi Vuillemin (dir.)

Publié le 2 octobre 2022 Mis à jour le 2 octobre 2022

Turnhout, Brepols, 2022

In the early modern period, the humanist practice of translation of sacred as well as secular texts created new readerships in the vernacular for authoritative texts, religious or classical. As the circulation of languages within Europe reshuffled hierarchies between classical languages and vernacular tongues, transmission via translation was not only vertical, but also horizontal, and the contacts between European languages enabled the expansion of local lexicons from sources other than Latin or Greek.

This volume focuses on the role of translation and lexical borrowing in the expansion of specific English lexicons (erudite, technical, or artisanal) as evidenced in printed texts from the early modern period. It considers how language shapes identity in social, religious, philosophical, artistic, and literary contexts, and is in turn shaped by claims of social, religious, philosophical, artistic, and literary identity.


Acknowledgments, List of Illustrations, Contributors
Introduction — Laetitia Sansonetti and Rémi Vuillemin
Roots, Germanic and Latinate: English as a Hybrid Language
1. An Expanding or a Fragmenting Lexicon? Some Possible Approaches to Loanwords, Lexical Change, and Multilingual Practices in Early Modern English — Philip Durkin
2. ‘A little mint where you may coin words for your pleasure’: Cant and Linguistic Currency in Dekker’s Rogue Pamphlets — Jean-David Eynard
3. Strange Roots in Roman Shakespeare — Iolanda Plescia
Language and Universality: The Transmission of Religious Dogma and Philosophical Concepts
4. Writing Catholic, Translating Protestant: English Translations from French in the Sixteenth Century — Susan Baddeley
5. Bacon’s English and Latin Expositions of the Doctrine of Idols: Their Common Features and Differences — Élodie Cassan
6. A Universe over the Channel: The Circulation of John Wilkins’s Universal Language Scheme in Early Modern Europe — Fabien Simon
Transnational Poetic Communities: Appropriating Continental Models
7. Petrarchism as the European Language of Poetry: The Example of ‘Chi vuol veder quantunque pò natura’ — Enrica Zanin and Rémi Vuillemin
8. Traducing Ronsard: Larceny and the Poet in English Love-Lyrics, 1582-1591 — Pádraic Lamb
9. Echo’s ‘repercussive voix’: Ovidian Echo Poems in Early Modern England — Agnès Lafont
The Languages of Artistic Transfer: Music and the Visual Arts
10. ‘Their ditties Englished’: Naturalizing French Lyrics — Chantal Schütz
11. Miniatures in Translation: Words for a Gentle Art — Anne-Valérie Dulac

Site de l'éditeur : https://www.brepols.net/products/IS-9782503598147-1

Mis à jour le 02 octobre 2022