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Revenues, Rule and Redistribution

Timothy Gibbs & Laura Philips (dir.)

Publié le 20 novembre 2023 Mis à jour le 20 novembre 2023

Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa, Number 110, 2022

In recent years, a new stream of research emerged on the crisis of state in South Africa, as revenues have faltered and ageing infrastructure cracked. Inevitably, the core of the South African economy attracts the most attention. Cape Town, for instance, made international headlines when the city’s wealthy suburban residents queued for water at standpipes in the streets. Nonetheless, it is on the poorest, rural margins of South Africa, which generally have higher rates of poverty and weaker fiscal bases, where the crisis is worst. This is the first publication to put South Africa’s politics of revenues, rule and redistribution into a wider historical context. This special issue brings together a diverse, interdisciplinary group of historians, political scientists, and town planners in conversation with policy experts and civil society activists.

Site de l'éditeur : https://muse.jhu.edu/issue/51550

Mis à jour le 20 novembre 2023