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Séminaire LLEG. Keir Milburn, "Public-Common Partnerships and the path to Radical Abundance"
Publié le 22 novembre 2024
Mis à jour le 16 janvier 2025
Dr. Keir Milburn présentera ses travaux en tant que co-directeur d'Abundance, un think-do tank qui se concentre sur le développement de partenariats public-communs au Royaume-Uni.
le 10 février 2025
Bâtiment Max Weber (W)
Salle de séminaire 1
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Abstract: The debate between eco-modernism and degrowth economics has grown stale and unproductive. Making a distinction between ‘bullshit abundance’ and ‘radical abundance’ can help us escape this impasse. Dr. Milburn will then lay out the essential features of a transition from our world dominated by ‘bullshit abundance’ to a world dominated by ‘radical abundance’. He will propose an institutional form that embodies those features, by discussing his research and practice of building Public-Common Partnerships, an alternative model for the ownership and governance of assets which aims to build a self-expansive dynamic into the commons, and which also serve as experiments in democratic planning from below.
Dr. Keir Milburn is a writer, researcher, and consultant. He is co-director of Abundance, an action-research think tank focussed on developing and implementing Public-Common Partnerships, an alternative model for the ownership and governance of assets which aims to build a self-expansive dynamic into the commons. He is the author of the books Generation Left (2019 Polity) and, with co-authors Bertie Russell and Kai Heron, Radical Abundance (2025 forthcoming). He also co-hosts the popular #ACFM podcast on Novara Media.
Dr. Keir Milburn is a writer, researcher, and consultant. He is co-director of Abundance, an action-research think tank focussed on developing and implementing Public-Common Partnerships, an alternative model for the ownership and governance of assets which aims to build a self-expansive dynamic into the commons. He is the author of the books Generation Left (2019 Polity) and, with co-authors Bertie Russell and Kai Heron, Radical Abundance (2025 forthcoming). He also co-hosts the popular #ACFM podcast on Novara Media.
Mis à jour le 16 janvier 2025