- Libellé inconnu,
32ème Colloque international D.H.Lawrence
32ème Colloque international D.H.Lawrence organisé par le groupe Études Lawrenciennes rattaché au Centre de Recherches Anglophones - CREA EA 370 de l’Université Paris Nanterre. Ce colloque international porte sur le thème " RESISTING TRAGEDY "
du 29 mars 2018 au 31 mars 2018
Bâtiment Max Weber (W)
Programme :
Thursday morning 29th of march
9.00 Welcome and registration
Jane Costin, independent scholar, UK.
Lawrence and Marriage: Tragedy, Comedy and Art
Marie Géraldine Rademacher, Tokyo University, Japan
Rethinking Aristotle’s Notion of Tragedy through D. H. Lawrence’s Representation of
Margaret Storch, Framingham State University, USA
The Night-Wife of the Ladybird: Healing Society’s Wounds of War
Richard Kaye, City University of New York, USA
Beyond Odd Women and Old Maids: D.H. Lawrence’s The Lost Girl and the Challenge to Modern Tragedy
Thursday afternoon 29th of march
Ayca Vurmay, Mustafa Kemal University,Turkey
D. H. Lawrence’s Touch and Go: A Modernist Expressionist Reaction to Tragedy
Howard J. Booth, University of Manchester,
Tragedy and Modern Violence: Twilight in Italy and The Plumed Serpent
Nidesh Lawtoo, Institute of Philosophy,Leuven, Belgium
Lawrence contra (New) Fascism
Shirley Bricout, University of Montpellier III,
Cain: Figure of Rebellion and Resilience in D. H. Lawrence’s “Tragic age”
Benjamin Bouche, Paris-Nanterre University
Daily tragedy
Friday morning 30th of march
Michael Bell, University of Warwick, UK
Tragedy as Genre and/or Worldview
Catherine Brown, London University, UK
Lawrence, Darwin, and Genre
Stewart Smith, independent scholar,
Confronting and Resisting the Tragic: D. H. Lawrence’s Aaron’s Rod
Fiona Fleming, Paris-Nanterre University,
Resisting Tragedy in Hardy and Lawrence
Holly Laird, University of Tula, USA
Resistance through Immersion in the “Modern Tragedy”
Friday afternoon 30th of march
Susan Reid, independent scholar, UK
Laughing at Tragic Realities: Nietzsche, Lawrence and Burgess
Adam Parkes, University of Georgia, USA
Logics of Disintegration in Lawrence and Huxley
Claude Barbre, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, USA
Readings Against the Grain: Illuminations of Discontinuities and the American Sublime in the Writings of D.H. Lawrence
Masashi Asai, Tachibana University, Japan
Different Oblivions? : From “New Heaven and Earth” to “The Ship of Death”
Theresa Mae Thompson, Valdosta State University, USA
“I am thrown upon the shore”: The Post-Tragic Place of “New Heaven and Earth”
Saturday morning 31th of march
Elise Brault-Dreux, University of Valenciennes
Diagnosing, Resisting, Yielding – or how the doctor faces the inevitable tragedy
Nick Ceramella, independent scholar, Italy
A Varying Sense of Tragedy in Lawrence’s ‘Odour of Chrysanthemums’
Brigitte Macadré-Nguyên, Reims University
Resisting Tragedy or Not: a Tentative Assessment on the Tragic Quality of Deaths in Several Fictional Works by Lawrence
Marina Ragachewskaya, Minsk State Linguistic University, Belarus.
Blindness is Tragic, Touch is Magic: the “Blind Man” as Tragicomedy
Jonathan Long, independent scholar, UK
D H Lawrence and the Changing Comedy in his Correspondence.
Mélanie Lebreton, University of Rennes 2
"Resisting tragedy, D. H. Lawrence's attitude of defiance "with his queer grin of a smile."".
The statement invites reflection on the literary means and devices that were adopted by Lawrence in order to resist tragedy, both here and elsewhere in his writings. The strategies of resistance include various arts of distanciation through which the tragic can be warded off. They can be linguistic, poetic, rhetorical, or can involve the interplay between a variety of perspectives, tonal shifts, humour, satire, romance, poetic licence, the refusal of seriousness etc.
The focus of the 2018 Conference should not be exclusively or too explicitly on WW1 and its consequences. If the opening to Lady Chatterley’s Lover offers an explicit reference to the war and, in the second sentence, an explanation of its origin and a hypothesis regarding the responses that it arouses, “the cataclysm has happened, we are among the ruins, we start to build up new little habitats, to have new little hopes”, the focus of the conference is to be less on the specific nature of the “cataclysms” than on the nature and the substance of these “little habitats” and “little hopes” that are devised, conjured up, as if the immensity of “cataclysm”, apocalypse, were unable to put an end to an irrepressible individual and collective inventiveness. The resistance to tragedy thus appears to be the condition or cost exacted of a society or of a social agent who is to survive or outlive the “cataclysm”, a “cataclysm” which is both historical, epochal, but also, perhaps, existential or anthropological. Lawrence asserts "Tragedy looks to me like man/ in love with his own defeat" (Pansies). We may then suggest further lines of reflection on the following themes: resistance or non-resistance to tragedy whether personal, social or political, heroism or escapism, the denunciation of Hamletizing, the temptation of oblivion, the refusal of sacrifice or self-annihilation, resilience and creative destruction. This list is of course not exhaustive.
Organizers :
- Cornelius Crowley
- Ginette Roy
Retrouvez l'annonce et le programme en pièces jointes
Mis à jour le 19 novembre 2018