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Journée d'études "What do we see, what do we hear in Kes?"

Publié le 3 juin 2019 Mis à jour le 10 janvier 2020

" What do we see, what do we hear in Kes? ", journée d'études le 17 janvier 2020 dans le cadre du projet thématique " Les Nords ". Elle est organisée par l'Observatoire de l’Aire Britannique (OAB) du Centre de Recherches Anglophones (CREA EA 370) de l'Université Paris Nanterre.


le 17 janvier 2020

What we hear, what we see in Kes?

Observatoire de l’aire britannique (OAB), Projet transversal Les Nords, CREA EA 370

Vendredi 17 janvier  2020

Salle 216, bâtiment Ida Maier, 9h-18h

Université Paris Nanterre


9.15-9.45 : Accueil


9.15-9.30 : Introduction


10.00-10.30 : Cornelius Crowley, Université Paris Nanterre,  « Kes: Cinéma social à ciel ouvert », discutante Laurence Dubois, Université Paris Nanterre.


10.30-11.00 : Susannah O’Carroll, Ecole nationale d’architecture de Grenoble (ENSAG), « Saturday night in Kes, a ‘whole world’ in three scenes », discutante Laurence Dubois.




11.15-11.45 : Lara Cox,  Université de Cergy-Pontoise, « Perspectives from Art History: Topography and Gender in Kes’s Englishness », discutante Flore Coulouma, Université Paris Nanterre.


11.45-12.15: Thierry Labica, Université Paris Nanterre, « Ken Loach’s Kes, Past and Present », discutante Flore Coulouma.




14.15-14.45 : Anne-Lise Marin-Lamellet, Université Jean Monnet, St. Etienne «  ’Course he’s me brother, we live in the same ’ouse!’: Sibling Rivalry in Kes », discutant Cornelius Crowley.


14.45-15.15 : Cécile Bazin, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, « Champ et hors-champ : paysages de l’imaginaire de l’enfance dans Kes et Into the West », discutant Cornelius Crowley.




15.30-16.00 : Marion Leclair, Université d’Artois, & Edward Lee-Six, ENS Paris, « Filming mining-town childhoods in British postwar cinema: a comparative study of Ken Loach's Kes and Bill Douglas's Trilogy », discutant Bernard Cros, Université Paris Nanterre.

Table ronde
"Voices, Sounds, People and Places, What we hear in Kes", Hugo Chatellier, Flore Coulouma, Graham Roberts, Cécile Viollain, Université Paris Nanterre.

Ken Loach’s film Kes (1969) is etched into a particular time, the late 1960s, not however the “swinging sixties” London. On screen here is a different place, farther north, a Yorkshire mining village, on the surface manifestly stable, ruled by the routine of habit and necessity, with little to suggest the imminence of the industrial action of the early seventies or the defeat and dislocation of the 1980s and after.

The one-day conference organised in Nanterre by the Observatoire de l’aire britannique (OAB), Friday January 17 2020, is part of the ongoing project of the CREA, EA 370 on “Les Nords”, a study of the interdependency between places and voices, of social and cultural geographies, an inquiry into the spoken and unspoken rules of speech and of the reception and social “placing” of speech.

The conference on Kes is, to begin with, an opportunity to look at and listen to what is registered in this remarkable film by Ken Loach, made fifty years ago. To the question “What do we see, what do we hear in Kes?”, the answers should not be anachronistic. The intention is to take in, from a variety of angles and approaches, what is shown and made audible here: a community of women, men, children, their lives woven into, both propped up and confined by, the institutional nexus of component places, home, workplace, school, public house, and component times, early morning, Friday night.

What animates Ken Loach’s picture of a mining community are the tensions evident in the sights and sounds through which the modest story of Billy Casper is conveyed, a story affording access to the lives of people as they play out, in occasional and sometimes irreversible conflict with other lives.

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Mis à jour le 10 janvier 2020